Thursday 24 July 2014

My appetizing dinner = Taiwanese Sausages and Stir Fried Broccoli

HiHi.... I'm back!!!! Really sorry to play hide and seek again. As I mentioned before, this blog is my self-motivating and self monitoring item to see how far I can pursue my blogopshere longer.

I haven't been writing for so so so long... The last post was during February and now it's July approaching August!!! hehe... paiseh!

Today I would like to share a bit on my dinner that I prepared myself. Here it is... RICE + TAIWANESE SAUSAGE + STIR FRY BROCCOLI... 

Yes, I had sausages for my dinner. Some of you might be wondering, you are a dietitian, how come you are taking such unhealthy food??? LOL....Well, what I can say is, Dietitian is still a normal human being. I still take unhealthy food on and off. But like what I used to say, you must know your limit. Just try not to take these too frequent. 

I bought this sausage in NSK, Kuchai Lama. It's spicy Taiwanese sausage. I stir fried them with my non stick pan, so only little oil is required. Of course, I had my colourful vegetables which are broccoli and carrot, adding more different nutrients in one dish. Hehe... 

Look at the colour! Like it so much. Easy to prepare and yet I put in all vital nutrients inside, I got rice as carbohydrate source, I had sausages as my protein (even though the sodium content might be high, but bear in mind, this is taken once in a while) and of course I had vegetables for my fiber. Well, they are complete! Yes!!!!


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